Wednesday 28 December 2011

Results from our Questionnaire

  During audience feedback, we asked an equal number of males and females to ensure an unbias result. We didn't want to base our thriller around everything boys like or everything girls like as we would like it to interest a large number of both genders.
  Unfortunately, because we gave these questionnaires around school we got a large number of 15-18 year olds filling them out. This was helpful in discovering what our own age group liked but to be sure our thriller opening appeals to everyone, we should have asked an equal amount of each age category.
 The results showed us that the most popular type of thriller is a one which contains comedy.This however is extremely hard to film with the equipment we have and only few characters. We feared this would make our thriller opening look unprofessional by it not being convincing to the audience. Sci-fi, crime and action had equal scores, action and crime are both big features of the thriller genre and so we decided to focus on those two sub genres rather than attempting to film a comedy which we knew was out of our equipment ability.
  On the feedback we recieved, the response was quite mixed to which film was the over all favourite. There is no clear favourite. Donnie Darko and The Happening numberically were the most popular however this was not by a big enough amount to focus upon to take into account. When reviewing this pie chart, most people chose a film we had given rather than "other" suggesting they like the intense/dark thriller atmosphere they create giving us the idea to set the same atmosphere in our thriller opening.
  As the chart shows, eerie music is by far the most popular. By 2/3 of the participants answering the questions chosing it as their ideal music in a thriller, we will take this into account and take great care when chosing our thriller music to ensure the best intensity is created throughout.
 As you can see by the results, more people thought that a mysterious setting was the best place for a Thriller. It needs to look freaky and mysterious. The Woods came second in the questionnaire feedback with an Abandoned House clealy showing the most votes. By the people of our school wanting their thriller's to look creepy it gave us the idea to make our thriller disturbing. This will ensure we capture the right locations to maximise the potential of the mise-en-scene.
  All of the options we put forward got voted upon. The results to this question were quite scattered. This gives the impression that most of the elements we included on the list are important individual features of the thriller genre. Special effects and sound effects both came out popular, along with props. Our first priority is to keep the mis-en-scene looking very realistic and nothing being out of place. By adding the effects on the mac's afterwards we will hopefully be able to create a dark feeling throughout the thriller opening.
  Through these results, the female was shown to be the most likely to be the victim within a thriller film. As a group we expected this to be the answer as it is popular to show in existant films. Knowing this, we will create a film which shows the female to be vulnerable and in danger of another character.
  The chart shows just how large the target market for thriller films are. Most people said they watch a film of the thriller genre every two weeks to a month. A large amount of people even said once a week. Considering the amount of genres which exist, having this amount of people watch a thriller film this often is a staggering amount. This showed us just how important it is to make it effective as the competition of thriller films will be great due to the massive amount of people who want to watch them.
  Everybody who we got to fill in our quesstionnaire has had further post 16 education. This shows that people with education have filled in our results giving the impression that they have formed strong opinions on thriller films giving us reliable feedback.
  Television, magazines and the internet were shown to be the most popular sources where people discover factors of the media. Broadsheets and redtops were shown to have no impact on people of my own age discovering media through newspapers. This shows that modern day technology is over powering the older generation of media. If we were to advertise our thriller film it would be much more beneficial to do so through the television of the internet.
  Half of the participants said no to this question and half said yes. We discussed this information and came to the conlcusion that the question could have been too blunt. By people saying that they would not buy a thriller film doesn't mean they wouldn't watch them. It could just mean that renting one or seeing one on the internet or cinema would be preferable to people of our age.
 This question had a mixed response. The least popular were seeing advertisement in a newpaper or on the radio. Cinema television and on the internet were shown to be the most popular place for students between 15-18 to look. This gives us an insight into where teenagers research films and hear about what new releases are out. If we were to persue our film it would be best to do so through modern technology.

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