Thursday 1 December 2011

Idea 2

Hostage situation

Abattoir (set at Henrys house)

Main idea of a girl being kidnapped and held hostage. The dad wants to save his little girl.
 The kidnapper's aim is to get the maximum amount of money as possible by threatening to kill the girl.

Inspiration: The film "Taken" is about a girl being stolen and taken into prostitution. Her dad (an old security guard) is adding upp the clues to find his daughter. The main idea of  a vulnerable girls dad fighting to get his child back.

 Black clothing worn by the dad to show his seriousness.
 The kidnapper would wear a balaclava to hide his identity from the girl.
 The girl would be wearing casual clothing which would be raggid from the way that the man had kidnapped her. She would have make up down her face and look like she hasn't had a wash for a while. Her grubby look should show the audience a time bracket of how long she has been tied up for.

Dead animals (add a freaky effect and show the kidnapper to be a psycho)

Name of idea 2: Prisoner
 Titles for film: All black background. Only able to see the girls face. This inspiration is from the film mirrors as they used an expression of fear to show roughly what had happened so far.

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