Thursday 29 December 2011

Our Final Idea

We came together as a group and discussed the idea each of us thought was the best, taking into account the positive and negative feedback which we got back from our peers. After discussion we decided both idea 2 (hostage siutation) and idea 3 (religious dad who kills his own daughter) were both effective in different ways. Over all, we chose to merge the two ideas into a new one. This was to be different to anything people have heard about or seen before and resources to film it effectively are easily within our reach.
 Our thriller


3 characters

Henry- Religious man who becomes obsessed with a girl who lives near him. He is very tempted to act inappropriately when he see's the girl  as he finds it hard to control his urges. The character has a photo of the girl, she has never even seen him before and has no idea about his obsession. He is also taking drugs and needs to be shown to be a psychopath through filming.
Kingston- The drug dealer. He has a connection to the religious man but is also the boyfriend of the girl Henry is in love with. This is bad due to Henry getting the idea to kill the girl to save her from the wreckage which her boyfriend will cause in her life. Henry see's it as his responsibility to save her from her evil fate.
Hannah (me)-  The girl who Henry loves. I am clueless to who Henry is and the feelings he has towards me, I think of him to be a normal man living in my village. I am aware in our opening that my boyfriend is a drug dealer which causes continuous arguements between the two of us. However, I would never leave him due to how strong our love is.

Back ground information of the christian religion.
The ten commandments given by God are the main focus of the Christian faith. If any of these are broken they are considered unforgiveable by God. People teach them onto their children as soon as they feel they are old enough to understand.
 1. Have no other gods.
2. Have no idols.
3. Honor God's name.
4. Honor the Sabbath day.
5. Honor your parents.
6. Do not murder

7. Do not commit adultery.
8. Do not steal.
9. Do not perjure yourself.
10. Do not covet.

This photo is of the son of God and his closest friends who helped spread the word of his religious teachings. This is a very famous painting and is a clear example of just how close and religious Jesus' Disciples really were.
The last supper: Jesus and his 12 Disciples.

Definition of a disciple:
An original follower of Jesus Christ. One who embraces and assists in spreading the teachings of another.

Henry feels by kidnapping and executing the girl, he is doing the work of God to save her from a worse fate. He feels he is being a servant of the lord and breaking a commandment of "though shalt not kill" for the greater good of the girl. By saving her, he is condemming himself to an after life of hell but is willing to sacrifice himself out of love for her. If he chose not to do so, the girl would become tortured due to the choices of her boyfriend. Henry knows that although Kingston feeds his addicitions through drugs, he would end up getting the girl into serious trouble through his careless actions and it is his responsibility to save her from the dangers of life by ending it all.


A smart jacket on Henry should show wealth and power within his character. The rarity of a tweed jacket now a days connotates the rarity of Henry's mind after deeper analysis. It suggests Henry goes animal shooting, showing his ability to kill with ease and shows off his skills of things such as "skinning" of the animals. By being so self sufficent in the killing of his own food, this could show the audience that his character is lonely, and that he has no other "connections" as such to find out about his mental health issues before it is too late.

A hoody shows that the identity of the person wants to be hidden. It darkens their face and gives a mysterious vibe to the people passing. They are known in society as something which a "thug" would wear and associate them with things such as shoplifting, drug dealing and other general crimes. This ties in perfectly with our thriller and will give the audience hints as to what Kingston is like due to the stereotypical look of his hoody.

Hannah (me)

Casual modern day clothing for girls. This shows that I am just an ordinary girl living in an ordinary place, not knowing that anything has changed since I first got together with Kingston. By wearing everyday clothing it shows me to be innocent whilst expressing the girls personal clothing choices showing her to be her own person and who shouldn't have her life planned out by someone else (Henry.)

Kirkby Underwood.
Google map definition: A village comprising of 80 households located around four miles north of Bourne in southern Lincolnshire, in the district of South Kesteven. The village is situated exactly 1 mile west of the main A15 trunk road. To the east is Rippingale and the Fens; directly to the south is the hamlet of Stainfield and to the west Hawthorpe.

This long straight road would be perfect to do a stalker scene, the couple could be walking and laughing and enjoying life with Henry stood a few metres behind. The innocence of the childs nursey goes against the evil of the plan created to kill Hannah.
The Kirkby church is the closest piece of religion to Henry. It would be the place where he would run to if ever he was in trouble of wanted to talk to God in a holy place. This could be where Henry goes after the crime is committed.

 Instead of having speach throughout the opening, we thought it would look more effective and be clearer for the audience if we had background music to set the scene with a voice over of Henry declaring his love for Hannah. This would let the audience know that he is mad from the things he says and will give the opening a freaky feel to it making the audience feel on edge and uncomfortable. By Henry saying things such as "I never wanted it to be like this" it gives subtle hints to the audience that what they are going to see is shocking and shows just how crazy Henry really is.

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