Wednesday 28 December 2011

Looking at the Mise-en-scene

This is a film set in WW2. The mise-en-scene of this scene fits together nicely. The weather is bitterly cold and snow and ice is on the floor causing the characters to be cold. They are all costumed according to the 1930 time setting and the weather. Wooly hats and big coats are being worn, showing the cold temperatures the people in the war dealt with and by them all being dull colours, showed they were all trying to remain unoticed and camouflarge. In the background of the image, soldiers are chasing two children who are shown in the foreground of the image. This suggests the children could be English and the soldiers German or vice versa. The image shows the strong implications which war has on people through the chase of two (who we think to be) innocent children, relating correctly to the barbaric features of war time. The car machinery  fits with the time as well, the motorcycle and side car were around during WW2 and doesn't look too modern in this shot. The man in the side car is shown to be carrying an old fashioned gun and aiming to shoot at the children in the horse and cart. This shows how in war time, not even a child was immune to being killed by the opposition. The truck in the far distance also looks like a war truck helping the soldiers on the motorcycle, these trucks were very common for transporting soldiers during the war time. The horse and cart in the foreground is something we class to be old fashioned now but would have been a cheaper way to get around than a car and also less noisey suggesting the children could have been in hiding during the war to survive. Lastly, the position of the different vehicles works well together. The audience can see each machinery due to the scattered vehicles on the road and the location was chosen well due to the road being very straight, this allows us to see far into the distance, noticing everything on the childrens tail.

In this snapshoot of a scene, the mise-en-scene works well together. It shows a normal family at tea time. The clothing shows the time period to be around the 1970's and the family  appear to be wealthy. You can tell this by the size of the room, the table which they are sat at and the way they are dressed. They would be seen as an upper class family. The daughter of the family is shown in a much whiter light than that of her parents, shown by the candles. This could suggest she is the families bright future, the innocence of her age or that she doesn't know something bad, which her parents do, leaving her pure. However it could also stand for something else, she could know something, using the idea of leaving her parents "in the dark" and the truth being to harsh to look at/think about (shown by the light intensity from the candles.) The flowers on the table suggest the families money which has been spent on luxury items and the delicateness of their childs age. Although they seem a family which are close due to them all eating together at the same time, an atmosphere appears to be over shadowing their meal time, insinuating there is more going on here than what meets the eye. They are all smartly dressed and have a serious expression on their faces, this could connotate the fact that they do not feel at home with each other or that they could of had some bad news, as none of them seem to be eating the food infront of them. The camera angle shows the daughter to be the main focus of this scene with a parent on each side of her showing their equality to her.

 The mise-en-scene of this shot shows the mistreating of the "girl next door." The rips in her clothes show bad things have happened to her by somebody else as she is tied up and unable to move her hands and legs. She is laying on the ground and her body lies with mud and scrapes all over it suggesting a struggle. The girl appears alive but unconcious. The surroundings where the girl lays shows the wall to of been mistreated as well as the girl. It appears to grotty and unhygenic, which is bad for someone who has cuts and bruises at it hightens the risk of infection. Whoever put her there obviously doesn't care about her well being making us ask the question of why she has been treated in this way. Dirty sheets have been put on the floor where she is laying and she appears to be in her pajamas, suggesting that she was kidnapped during the night time and brought to this place where she is now unconcious. The place has dark holes in the wall and is very dirty. The girls appears very thin making us believe she could have been tied up for a while and is being poorly treated and un fed. The mise-en-scene works very well together with the grotty outlook of the place where she lies. In the background it is dark suggesting danger and the camera shot has been taken from above making the victim look very vulnerable to the audience.

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