Thursday 8 December 2011

Idea 3

Main idea of a psycho being the main character.
 The mans daughter dies. She's a rebellious teen who goes against her fathers religious views.
 The story will occur at a grave yard. There will be flashbacks of how the father murdered his daughter (drowning in a bath) and show his cold personality through his lack of emotions when standing at her grave.
 The man found his daughter an embarrassment in modern day society and wanted to keep his biblical views in the family. Her rebellious lifestyle caused him to become insane and break down resulting in a murder.

 Provocative teen age clothes (mini skirts, leather jacket etc.) -Things which will show an obviously rebellious outburst through personal choices in clothing.

By wearing clothes such as this, it shows the girl to be provocative. A mini skirt stands for a girl being "easy" and conflicts against the religious views of the father in the biblical quote of  "no sex before marriage."

The father would wear clothes such as a suit. This will show that the family are from a normal background. His suit will be black with a black tie contrasting against a white shirt. This will represent the good and bad in him through the colours of his outfit. White stands for everything good and peaceful, where as black contrasts this and reflects the darker side in his personal religious views. The suit will also fit in with the theme of death. It will work as a mark of respect at his childs funeral which he will be going to, even though he was the one who killed her.

Pills (shows the mental state of the father)
Religious necklace of a cross
The bible (shows he has commited a crime and in confiding in God)
Bath (place of murder)

Name of the thriller- "Black Water"
Titles for the film- Our titles will be done on the macs at school. We will write the names in black text, this shows the dark side the film will have and gives the audience an immediate assumption within the first few minutes of the film. This writing will be on water, this connotates the place of murder being commited in water and shows the danger which water has within the film.

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