Monday 2 January 2012

Proof of shooting day

This is the Deer head we decided to use in our Thriller.
  We layed it down on a floor which looked unhygenic and layered with moss to express the feeling of neglect, unhumanity and uncleanliness. This will be shown to display the freakiness of the religious character we are putting in. The audience should be made to feel uncomfortable and get a glimpse of the cruel background of the religious character. It will cause the audience to feel a slight hint of anxiety and give them the sitting on the "edge of their seat" feel which thrillers are known to portray.
 This is a shot of Kingston (drug dealer) walking down the road to meet the religious man. No background information will be shown to the audience about Kingston, making him a character they know nothing about. This will keep them focused on him. By seeing his whole body and not having his face shown as a close up goes against the idea of him being bad. Baddies are normally shows close up in a very intense way however we wanted to keep the audience guessing who he is right untill the end of the scene, where the drug/money swap is shown in the middle of the street. We thought this would be a good way to take the audience by suprise leaving a shocked atmosphere displaying the unpredictable plot of our thriller.
  This is location one. Henry's gouse. The picture shows his abattoir. Metal trays, hooks to hang meat upon and hanging metal chains show Henry's characters barbaric personality. By filming these freaky objects in an extreme close up shot, we thought it would be another thing to get the audiences jaws dropping. As well as this being a useful tactic to shock and leave the audience feeling nervous... It also gives them a little insight into Henry's character they should have the feeling that Henry is unhumane by killing and skinning helpless animals, leading to the kay question of... What else is he capeable of doing?

 This photo is the showing of Kingston and myself being in
love. It is the main focus of this scene showing good and evil through a helpless innocent girl being in a relationship with a boy who breaks the law selling drugs to people who need them to keep them sane. The audience should see this scene and start to predict what the outcome will be. They should think that Kingston himself could end up being hurt by the religious man for ruining the life of the girl, causing them to be wrong right untill the end when the girl is shown being tied up and murdered.

 This shot captures how we wanted to make Henry look crazy. By him standing and not walking on the pavement, just staring at Kingston and myself in the distance shows that he has some very strange charactertistics and isn't normal at all. His stance of crossed arms should suggest to the audience that he is not best pleased and that he is stood intensely staring and thinking of what he could do to stop the relationship between Kingston and I. This shot is poweful in the fact that so much information is put over to the audience by one shot of Henry.

  As a group, we had decided that we would prefer to include a voice over, rather than having to produce a script and getting speach to run through our opening. Remembering this, we needed to display an argument between Kingston and I in a place where the audience wouldn't hear it if they were stood in the position of the camera. Henry had a car on his drive which we had access to and so parked it on his drive. Kingston and I got into the car placing the camera on the drivers side, where I was sat. We needed to put both characters on film to display conflict occuring between the two characters, this was difficult as the window pillar of the car reduced visability causing this shot to take severale attempts.
  This is location 3. The warehouse which Henry owns. The big worn down metal doors show how difficult it would be to escape out of due to the solid look of the building. This will give the impression that the girl is doomed to the audience watching. The size of the door and height of the ceilings in the warehouse show it to be superior to the vulnerable girl who has been kidnapped. The rough stone wall interior of the warehouse showz that the warehouse is old and has stood for years giving the idea of it being solid and very hard to break through. As soon as the lights are turned off and the door shut the warehouse would be pitch black due to the solid doors letting in no light. This stands for the girl being in eternal darkness.
 This shows the girl who has been kidnapped to be tied up deep inside the warehouse. However when I looked back at this scene, a mistake we had made was that we hadn't cleared out the room successfully. In the background you would be able to notice packaging and things of Henry's which I thought stopped the mise-en-scene from being accurate to the thriller. I thought it would take away the attention of the audience and cause the opening to look unrealistic in the last scene of the opening, ruining our work over all. I told the group what I thought about this scene and we were all in agreement that we wanted it to look as realistic as it could and so chose to take this scene out of the opening. By only showing Henry walking into the warehouse holding the unconcious girl and then seeing him lock her in, it lead alot more to the imagination and by not seeing the torterous things Henry would have done to me, the audience will make their own assumptions which are normally worse that the actual recorded footage.
This shot is Henry locking me in the warehouse. In our plan, we thought by Henry leaving the girl alive it would work well giving the impression that he will torture her in days to come. After close consideration, by taking out the scene when tieing my character up, we thought it would work better to leave my safety unknown. His carefree attitude shows him to be ruthless and insincere to the choice he just made to harm, if not kill an innocent girl. He then turns around and walks out of the warehouse without a care in the world ensuring he securely locks the place up, leaving the girl alone with her safety unknown to the audience. We thought of this to be a dramatic end to the thriller opening due to audience not knowing whether the girl is alive or dead or able to escape. This would allow the thriller to continue showing it to only be a mysterious opening and not a full story.

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