Wednesday 11 January 2012

Explaining Ideas On Editing

Outcast Productions
 We chose to call our cooperation Outcast Productions because we thought it would relate to the story of our thriller. The main character in our Thriller feels an outcast himself and is shown to live a lonely life style believing in the work of God. By showing this within our credits it hints to the audience the features of the character. It fits in with the dark mysterious atmosphere which we are trying to create throughout our thriller opening. We felt that it would look a lot better to make everything relevant to our storyline to ensure we fully capture the maximum attention span of the audience throughout.

Voice Over
  To begin with, 2 pieces of music from garage band which was founded on garage band were linked together to try and create dramatic tension thrououghout our thriller opening. After reviewing the track, we discussed the effects which it has on the thriller and decided it sounded unprofessional and common, due to many existant openings have the same tracks, just merged in different ways. We wanted a track which was shocking and new to the audience, enrapturing their attention and giving the overall piece a freaky feel. 

The piece of music needed to be very atmospheric. It needed to sound relevant to the story line and so we looked online at copyright free tracks which people had made and chose two different tracks, both sounding very traumatic with lots of low notes to show the power in our thriller. After merging these tracks together, we thought it would sound a lot better to add a feature off of "Imovie" to highlight the main traumatic parts of the opening. I.e. the moment Henry puts the syringe into my neck, and the moment he walks out of the barn, leaving me for dead. These two moments are very symbolic of his unpredictable nature. After watching the almost finished thriller opening, we discussed adding the voice over. After discussion we decided that it would make the opening become too much, leaving the audience feeling overwhelmed and making it sound harsh on the ears.

During editing, we decided that the speed of the clips would help make the opening look effective by changing the pace. This will shock the audience and keep them entertained by having an unpredictable clip pace. When the girl regains consciousness we set the clip to much a much faster rate than it originally was. I thought that this would make the clip look traumatic and show the struggle the girl has gone through to escape. We also made the clip of Henry closing the door slow motion to make it much more dramatic as Henry locks the girl away to never be found. By changing the pace it makes the film look much more professional and keeps the audience's interest. 

1 comment:

  1. Excellent effort Hannah!

    Target: Include more of a range of media formats on your blog: screen shots, videos, scans of work/planning etc.

    Ensure you have enough planning evident: questionnaire results analysed etc.
