Monday 7 November 2011

Prelim Plan

Actors: Henry Louth (The Don)
Kingston Capes (Agent)
Film Crew: Hannah Phillips
Jessica Cooke

Mission Impossible Sound Track.
1) Shot of agent Capes coming up the stairs. Camera slightly to the right, high angle shot.

2) Freeze frame of agent Capes at the top of the stair case with the title coming across the screen, this gives a propper introduction of his character showing his job title and giving the audience some information on the type of person he is.

3) Mid shot of agent Capes walking from the top of the staircase on the approach to the first corner, this shows his authority by him being shown in a sharp suit and gives the impression of wealth whilst the audience can clearly see his facial features to get familiar with his face.

4) Low close up of agent Capes feet walking around the corner after from the top of the stairs on approach to the door.

5) Mid shot of agent Capes opening the door, this shot is taken from behind the character to show his hand move to the door handle.

6) Camera changes perspective to the other side of the door, another mid shot of agent Capes coming through the door walking towards the camera to avoid confusion of the audience, it needs to be edited to ensure it runs smoothly and isn't joulty.

7) CCTV long shot from the end of the corridoor of agent Capes walking down, should be edited to black and white to look as realistic as possible. Filming things to consider; Health and safety- when filming stood on a chair it is important to stay as still as possible and bring the camera up as high as possible on the tripod to keep a steady shot.

8) Midshot, again of agent Capes walking infront of the camera towards the second door.

9) Extreme close up of agent Capes' hand pulling down on the door handle.

10) Close up shot of the sign on the door "Meeting In Progress" to show an importance of the room.

11) Midshot from the other side of the door, camera stood in the room which agent Capes is walking into.

12) Over the shoulder shot of "the don" from agent Capes' shoulder, this shows you the second character as if you were really in the room.

13) Freeze frame of "the don" as the title comes across the screen indicating to the audience that he is the one in charge. All titles last for 1 second approx.

14) Over the shoulder shot of "the don" saying the words "Ah, Kingston, i've been expecting you"
 It is VITAL during this conversation to remember the 180 degree rule!

This line should not be crossed at any time to ensure the conversation makes complete sense on screen and that the characters aren't swapping sides all of the time due to the arrangement of the camera.

15) Over the shoulder shot of agent Capes picking a letter out of his pocket to give to "the don"

16) Extreme close up of agent Capes' eyes intensely staring at the camera.

17) Extreme close up of "the don"s eyes staring back at the camera from the opposite side.
 This is to create a tension which would be related to a Thriller.

18) Two man mid shot of the exchange of the letter. Agent Capes hands it over to "the don" who takes it at a half way point.

19) Mid shot of the letter being taken by "the don" as the words "What is this?!" are worryingly expressed, after this question, a low tone voice is used as he states "i'm disapointed in you Kingston!"

20) Mid shot of agent Capes as he speaks the words "It's not my job anymore."
This causes a puzzled atmosphere and leaves the audience guessing what happened for agent Capes to of changed his mind and not like his job anymore.
A pause is then put into the editing expanding the tension to an uncomfortable level.

21) High angle shot. "The Don" says "I'm disapointed" he reaches underneath the table, keeping an intense focus on agent Capes.

22) There is a sudden blackout on the screen.

23) "BANG" the sound of a gun goes off during the black out.
 A big shock to end our prelim should give a result to the story line.

 Things we changed during filming:
At first we had no sound track, we thought that the sound of agent Capes' shoes walking down the corridoor and up the stairs would create tension more with each step, how ever when we looked at it on the Mac, we couldn't hear alot of sounds and it lost the interest of the people who were watching it. We decided it would be a good idea to add a track which relates to our story line. Mission Impossible is all to do with action and spies and we thought this would fit nicely as it is a popular and easily recogniseable theme tune. We also edited a lot of footage which we recorded out as it didn't fit smoothly with what we wanted to include. We needed to make sure no continuety errors occured and that it all made sense to the audience without confusing them and looking unrealistic.

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