Wednesday 5 October 2011

The Happening review

This screen shot is from "The Happening." It is a psychological thriller which gives a sense of mystery and suspense to the the audience. This shot shows a mid shot of the 4 characters. Their facial expressions show us that all is not well and the radio hanging from a piece of string in the middle of a field shows the audience something isn't quite right in the setting which they are in. The mise-en-scene is appropriate for people on the run from a deadly virus, they are in a deserted field with a fence, all looking very worried with people they have only just met. Light is shining more on the main characters face than the other people stood with him, this is to show the audience they should be looking at him throughout the scene, he is the most important character of this shot. The light is natural light, it doesn't feel too bright or too dull but somehow in the middlem. This could reflect the thought of the trees and all things natural causing the problems in the film. Their costume's are appropriate, casual clothing for their age group. The rule of third applies in this shot, if the grid was placed over it, the radio would be right on the cross over showing that this is a vital prop for the shot.

 This shot is a long shot. The light being shown is natural sunlight but only lights up and allows you to focus on the road. The rest of the shot appears gloomy and uncomfortable to look at. The car doors remain open as if people had left in a hurry to run from something and the cars lay deserted in all directions as far as the shot allows us to see. This gives the audience an eary feel suggesting the film will get alot worse. Mystery is created at noone knows why the cars have been left, who left them and where who ever left them has now gone. A town is light up in the distance, this hints at the audience that the people of the town could be there. The white light could suggest safety, reflecting the white light of heaven. This would show the audience that it is a safe place for them. However, to get to this white light a black landscape of destruction awaits. The use of pathetic fallacy is also used in this shot, the cloudy cold setting suggests the sense of danger and that bad things are soon to happen if you stay.

1 comment:

  1. A good start Hannah - well done!

    Target: Use more Media language and be more analytical. For example, "This shot is a long shot". Explain why it is a long shot. What effect is the diretor trying to achieve?
