Wednesday 21 September 2011

The Butterfly Effect

 This is a psychological thriller featuring Ashton Kutcher. It is about him reading his old diary and finding himself in a previous time of his life where he can change his furture by changing one slight incident.
 When he picks up his diary, the picture turns more black, as he starts to read it the words start to shake followed by the room, but he stays still and normal. This is a very clever shot keeping the actor as the main focus of the scene by keeping him still. It is a shot from above making him look insignificant and vulnerable for the audience to watch.

Another shot is when he comes back from changing the future to normal time and he has all sorts of things wrong with him, for instance, he comes back one time with no arms or legs, this is a close up at first showing his facial expression to be worried, leaving the audience puzzled. It then zooms out showing what is wrong with him with a dark black background showing the shock horror of what has happened.

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